Monday, March 26, 2012

Blondie Bars

The other day, I made Blondie Bars. They are sort of like brownies, except without chocolate, and with brown sugar. Click here to see a basic recipe for Blondies. Instead of using chocolate chips, I used M&Ms, and I left out the nuts. They were still a little soft and moist when they came out and cooled, so it you want to have them firmer, than bake for a few more minutes.

Here are some photos. They aren't the best quality, though, but you can still see the main Blondie :-)


Monday, March 19, 2012

The Hunger Games- a preview

As most people already know, the new series The Hunger Games, rivaling the Twilight Saga, is soon to come out on movie. Here is the preview:

Trailer #1

Trailer #2

IT PREMIERS THIS FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Hunger Games!

Happy Belated Pi Day!

Happy Belated Pi Day, everyone1 Pi Day was last Wednesday, 3/14. It started at approximately 1:59 a.m. In my math class, we did many activities that envolved Pi. One of them was memorizing and recording as many digits of Pi as we could. I got to 3.141592653589793238462643383279502883197169. Some people such as Tamar memorized a really large amount of digits!

Random Pi Facts:

  • At the 763rd digit of Pi, there are six 9's in a row. This is called the Feynman Point.
  • Albert Einstein's birthday is on March 14, Pi day. 
  • Pi has well over 5 billion digits, and is would take over 120 years to recite all of them! (this fact was found on
If you have found/ know any more facts, feel free to comment to tell them to be!

Happy Belated Pi Day!

P.S. If you know any Pi words (Pi words- words that have Pi in them.), such as porcuPIne, or PIne cone, feel free to comment those, two.