Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year

    Welcome, 2012! I hope everyone had a fantastic holiday season/winter break! As for me, I went to Los Angeles for Christmas. The time difference in between Boston and LA is three hours, so I was waking up every morning at 5:30 because my automatic body alarm is around 8:00-8:30. That took some getting use too. The weather when we stepped out of the airport was seventy degrees. The whole week was in the seventies. My uncle has a pool, but it was too cold to swim in, although he did go in once.
    The highlight of my vacation was visiting with my uncle's two new dogs, whom we haven't seen before. They were so cute, and they were so little. Here's a picture:

The one one the left is Bugsy, the male, and the other one is Pinky, the female. 
They were really small, so we got used to their size, and Zeiss look extra huge when we got back. We also saw the movie Mission Impossible; Ghost Protocol in the theater, on Sunday and it was really good! I liked it.

    Right now, I am up in Maine, and my brother's thirteenth birthday is today, so we are celebrating that. This weekend, we have seen School of Rock, The King;'s Speech, and tonight we are going to see Super 8. I forgot my disc of Pretty Little Liars two hours away at home (I still can't believe that I forgot it!) so we couldn't watch that this weekend.

Have a Happy New Year!


  1. Happy New Year to you and your whole family!

  2. YAY! We miss you, Stella!! We look great!! •>83 Esp in your cuddly arms!!! xoxoxoB&P
